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The Poisoned Rose (2000)

by Daniel Judson(Favorite Author)
3.71 of 5 Votes: 4
The Gin Palace Trilogy
review 1: A nice thriller whose fast pace leaves little time to ponder the plot gaps and the ridiculousness of the situation. Just like the movies there is a lot of gun fire, fighting, car chases and heroes falling into traps a person of average intelligence will see coming two chapters ahead of time. Still, I love the atmosphere created, here it is Long Island, and Mr. Judson makes you feel right at home. You really get that small beach town feel and the characters are familiar and believable. Unfortunately Mr. Judson follows the hackneyed routine of this genre in providing the protagonist with a tortured backstory which can only be expressed through alcoholism and rage. If this is civil society’s main bulwark against the forces of evil then we are in poor straits indeed. But if ... moreyou can ignore the fact that your hero is a maniac, then you are free to enjoy the wild ride along the shores of Long Island.
review 2: Our private detective protagonist has his share of personal problems. He's seriously addicted to alcohol. He's always one small step away from the poorhouse. And he always wades right in when he sees trouble, trying to save the damsel in distress, metaphorically speaking. This is not a book to read if you're clinically depressed, as there is no storybook ending. The writer has a compelling style that locks you in like quicksand, however, and you will feel compelled to stay up late to finish the book. The closure is incomplete, probably because there are two more dark tales with the same flawed but nevertheless admirable hero. less
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3.5 stars. This was a page-turner for me. Especially good for a Book Bub freebie.
I'm a sucker for a moral man, but this was super violent.
Just about worth the .99 impulse buy on kindle.
very good. gritty
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