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VisionMongers: Making A Life And A Living In Photography (2009)

by David duChemin(Favorite Author)
4.14 of 5 Votes: 4
0321670205 (ISBN13: 9780321670205)
New Riders Publishing
review 1: So far this book is amazing if you are looking for some inspiration in learning the photography business. Although David deChemin says that, "This book isn't a a textbook, an encyclopedic checklist, or God-forbid-a system. It's more like a sketchbook of ideas, wisdom, and inspiration for photographers braving the water of vocational photography in particularly turbulent times." David is not try to make guidelines for every single photographer out there because he knows that everybody is different and how they approach it will be different. Think of this book more along the lines of trial and error and finding out what works best for you.
review 2: a fantastic 'real world' look at photography ,but could easily be about architecture, art, painting.... any artisti
... morec passion.I thought I would skim this book, but I read it cover to cover, in one sitting.I love the interviews with the photographers, and I love the organic feeling of how it was written -- much less like a manual, and much more like I had a one on one conversation with David Duchemin. HIGHLY HIGHLY recommended. less
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love this book. love david duchemin. definitely a must-read for a photographer/businessperson. :)
Great advice and inspiration for anyone considering becoming a professional photographer.
Great read.
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