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The Screenwriter's Bible: A Complete Guide To Writing, Formatting, And Selling Your Script (2010)

by David Trottier(Favorite Author)
4.27 of 5 Votes: 1
1935247026 (ISBN13: 9781935247029)
Silman-James Press
review 1: What are the basics of screenwriting? What does a screenplay look like? What’s the basic format and structure? How do you format things like flashbacks? One of my husband’s co-workers was at square one, he had what he believed was a good idea for a movie, but he didn’t know how to write it. He’d never written or read a script before. I didn't even need to look at my screenwriting books to know exactly which one he'd get the most value from. I went right to this book. The man almost moved cross-country without giving it back to me, and when he finally handed the book back, he seemed very reluctant to do so. (Get your own copy, buddy!)This is a solid screenwriting book for someone new to screenwriting and the most well-rounded book on screenwriting that I've read. Ma... moreny screenwriting books are gimmicky and/or assume you already have the basics down pat. This book is an excellent starting point, but if you want to go deeper into the story elements of screenwriting, read “Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting” by Robert McKee. If you want a step-by-step analysis of structure, read “Save the Cat!” by Blake Snyder.
review 2: This books tells you everything a beginning screenwriter needs to know abut the screenwriting business. The first half of the book teaches you how to write a great screenplay (how to create characters, story concepts, plot points, etc) along with formatting information so your script looks how people in the industry expect it to look. He then gives a detailed explanation of how to sell your screenplay and really start your writing career. It gives a potential screenwriter great insight into the world of a hollywood screenwriter and does not sugarcoat how hard that is going to be. But he offers encouragement along the way that gives you confidence in your writing goals. I'd recommend this book to anyone interested in writing for the movies or tv. less
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great for the basics of scriptwriting ... great to remind about format for beginners!
I will refer to this again and again. Excellent book. :-)
THE book. Why in hell did I buy all the other ones?
Good stuff. Exactly what I wanted.
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