Reading Challenge: #TheReadingQuest Sign Up and TBR

Hey everyone! I randomly stumbled upon this super cool reading challenge that’s being hosted by Aentee over at Read at Midnight, and I thought that it looked amazing! I have always wanted to participate in a readathon of sorts, but I’ve never really had anywhere to post my progress and communicate with others easily. I am so excited to finally have the opportunity, and this particular readathon looks like so much fun! I also think that it will be a great way to meet and communicate with more people in this wonderful community of bookworms!

The quest kicks off this Sunday, August 13th, and ends on Sunday, September 10th.

The challenge is based on a video game quest and is in the format of a bingo card, with each bingo square being a reading prompt to complete. The fun twist is that you must choose one of four character classes to be, and follow that specific path on the bingo board.

The character that I have selected is the knight, so I will be following that path on the bingo board. Hopefully, I will also be completing some of the bonus challenges, which are the blue prompts on the center of the board.

All of the incredible artwork for this quest was created by CW of Read, Think, Ponder, and seriously cannot get over how adorable it is! She is so talented!

This is the TBR I have to start me off on the quest:

The First Book of a Series: The Collector by Victoria Scott (Dante Walker #1)

This one here is the first book in a YA fantasy/paranormal romance series that I’ve had my eye on for a while. The premise sounds really interesting and I’ve heard nothing but good things about it!

A Book With A Verb In Its Title: The Last Time We Say Goodbye by Cynthia Hand

This book is a YA contemporary with a plot that’s bound to be absolutely heart wrenching. I’ve heard some great reviews, and I’m really looking forward to digging into this one!

A Book With a Weapon On Its Cover: The Gypsy King by Maureen Fergus

I picked this novel up back in March for a really great price and I can’t wait to read it! This story is YA fantasy romance, and as a bonus, it was written by a Canadian author!

A Book With a Red Cover: Things We Know By Heart by Jessi Kirby

I purchased this book a little over a month ago, and I am stoked to finally read it! It’s a YA contemporary romance with a very unique and promising plot, plus a really interesting cover to top it off!

A Book That Has a TV/Movie Adaptation: If I Stay by Gayle Forman

I know, I know, I’m a little late to hop on the bandwagon, but I’d still like to give it ago. I’ve heard wonderful things about both the book and the movie, and I’m hoping to read it and then watch the movie at some point during this challenge! In case you’re unfamiliar with this one, it’s a YA contemporary romance.

I am beyond excited to get started in this readathon, and I really hope you’ll join in if you haven’t already!

Are any of you taking part in the quest! Which character are you? Do we share any of the same books in our TBR?
Have you read any if the books that I’m planning to read during this readathon?
Let me know in the comments down below!

Thanks for reading, and I’m sure I’ll be seeing you very soon with an update on my quest.
Find me on Goodreads here.

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