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Ultimate Happiness Prescription (2000)

by Deepak Chopra(Favorite Author)
3.9 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: I've never read any Deepak Chopra books before, perhaps now I know why. I contemplated giving this a 2 because it was filled primarily with vague statements and murky instructions. It reminded me of the Family Guy episode where Brian writes a best seller. But alas, there were some good ideas in there - even if you had to extrapolate a bit to get them. The problem was the instructions for each of the 7 keys were even more vague, in fact, some just didn't make much sense at all. Or perhaps it's just that I am not enlightened.Overall I think there are better books out there about finding happiness. The Art of Possibility being one just off the top of my head. Particularly considering a few of the keys are about changing your cognitive patterns - removing judgement, acknowledg... moreing and avoiding conditioned responses, and giving up being right. While the other keys focus on buddhist principles of awareness and meditation - being aware of your body, focusing on the present, seeing the world in yourself and finding enlightenment or bliss - are much more accessible and straightforward in ANYTHING by Thich Nhat Hanh.
review 2: I LOVE THIS BOOK!!! There's so many life lessons that you shouldn't miss! This book is a must read to all of us. For us to understand ourselves more in much deeper and clearer perspective. This book made me surrender to my mother after we had a small fight. I love the part which Dr. Chopra shares the concept of: What is most important to us, TO BE RIGHT OR TO BE HAPPY??!!! Most of us chose to be right yet we ended up being wounded and unhappy. We all seek for happiness.. and we just couldn't find it.. 'coz we seek in all the wrong places. The author is a genius, you'll learn all the things you should know about yourself and about what can make you happy. Honestly, this is truthfully an ultimate happiness prescription, 'coz after taking this in, I am now completely recovered!!! Thanks Doctor! :) less
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Concise advice on happy living. Fav line, "in a state of defenselessness we find invincibility."
Short book, read it in one sitting. Good self reflecting book.
Book on CD
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