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Player One: What Is To Become Of Us (CBC Massey Lecture) (2010)

by Douglas Coupland(Favorite Author)
3.51 of 5 Votes: 4
0887849687 (ISBN13: 9780887849688)
House of Anansi Press
review 1: Unlike "Worst. Person. Ever" this is Coupland back at his roots, looking for the joy in human misery and the misery in our modern lives. Instead of looking at what our culture does to us, he investigates how we might see our culture when we reach the end of it. Ultimately, though, I think he's just nibbling at the ideas, and doesn't really have a clear point here. Perhaps it just eluded me. But none of the characters, even the one who achieves a kind of avatar-like perspective, seems to gain an understanding of the world the reader can adopt.
review 2: Perhaps Coupland's most compelling novel, framed as the unfolding events of just five hours during a catastrophic oil crash, it's sort of a twist on No Exit: four disparate, but equally lonely, people are forced
... moreto work together and learn about each other while the whole world crumbles around them. Full of Coupland's usual mix of pop culture despair and self-reflection, it can be both humorous and heavy, occasionally at the same time.As a bonus, there's thirty pages of trademark Coupland terms and ideas to help frame the new definitions of the human condition in our hyper-realized 21st Century world. Not sure any of them will catch on with the social stickiness of 'Generation X,' but more than a few of them should. less
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I really loved it. Um...I really, really loved it? What more do you want me to say?
Terrible, apart from a few great quotes
I really enjoyed this book!
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