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Last Man Standing: The Ascent Of Jamie Dimon And JPMorgan Chase (2009)

by Duff McDonald(Favorite Author)
3.95 of 5 Votes: 3
1416599533 (ISBN13: 9781416599531)
Simon & Schuster
review 1: It is clear and concise, bringing readers to a higher level of understanding of Jamie Dimon as a person, a leader and a revolutionary during a time of great change in the finance industry. Yet, the book relies too much on facts and numbers (not a bad thing) and tip the optimal equilibrium between "telling an accurate story" and "telling an exciting story" towards the wrong end, making this a rather not too interesting read. I also have an issue with the way events are told in a matter of convenience to illustrate a certain point, rather than arrange in more chronological order. Due to the complexity of the subprime and MBS crisis, the manner of story telling that the author used confused me at various points, inducing me to ask constantly, does this event happen before or ... moreafter and how it links to the following event told in the next paragraph. Maybe having some knowledge of the events happening during the crisis is a prerequisite to truly enjoying the essence of this book. Nonetheless, it is an informative read.
review 2: This is a terrible book. I've come to two possible reasons: 1) Dimon himself commissioned this book to make himself look good or 2) McDonald is trying to get a job at JP Morgan and thought total, unbridled ass-kissing - in book form - would further his cause. The obvious total lack of investigative inquiry completely demolishes any semblance of credibility McDonald may have had. This is an insult to the concept of a "biography" and is perhaps the only book I've ever read which I would recommend for immediate burning...the small amount of heat produced would be a better contribution to mankind than its actual pages. less
Reviews (see all)
One of the best books I've ever read! This writer has verve, style, and erudition.
Story of the ascent of one of the most powerful man in finance industry indeed!
Outstanding read about one of the true leaders in American business.
Great reading after "Tearing Down the Walls".
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