If everyday was a black and white photograph- and it’s quite close to that for me in the 9-5 grind, then each still would be defined by one lip colour at a time. Do men think the same about their ties?
Lately the Nars Audacious Lipstick in Linda (Nars-Linda) is my go to for work, it’s not a threatening colour, nor is it overly mature. It’s adventurous but is also just the right amount of understated. When I wear it, it’s simultaneously bold and non compromising.
Velvet Matte Lip Pencil in Dolce Vita (Nars- Dolce Vita)is my safety colour. Where I hide when the bags under my eyes look like they’re 5kgs each. It adds a subtle hint of pink and immediately lifts my skin tone adding warmth to the soul deep frozen by work.
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