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Blue Nude (2006)

by Elizabeth Rosner(Favorite Author)
3.51 of 5 Votes: 4
1439173087 (ISBN13: 9781439173084)
Gallery Books
review 1: This was really a 4.5 for me. I enjoyed the way the author went back and forth in time and the reader uncovered the characters lives and connections in alternating layers. The juxtaposition of model/artist and their relationship/need for each other was an interesting sensual and emotional way to relate Danzig and Merav and their approaches to art. I loved the ending where Danzig's and Merav's feelings of emptiness (their personal blank canvases) were pushed towards a kind of completion, a feeling of wholeness (the beginning of a completed work).
review 2: Liked the attempt that was made to tell the story in a backward manner with flashbacks in the middle and bookending 'Present' sections. Parts of the story were touching, other tragic. Truth is, Michael On
... moredaatje's 'The English Patient' was written in a similar fashion and 1000x more effective. Easy read with difficult themes, gets you thinking in any case. The Prologue is very exciting, but by the end of the book, unless you read it in one sitting, it's hard to place the connection (I didn't read it that quickly due to reading too many other nonfiction things in between). More of a novella I think since it's so short. But when I hunted down the section to make sure my hunch was correct, it's an effective tool. An epilogue reminder wouldn't have been perfect. less
Reviews (see all)
incredible read ..not my usual style but i recommend it most highly
An interesting little book. Well written, read it in one sitting.
I enjoyed the story, but it was painfully slow reading.
In my opinion, the last few chapters saved this book.
good book. interesting view of moodels.
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