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Just One Night, Part 6 (2014)

by Elle Casey(Favorite Author)
4.07 of 5 Votes: 1
Elle Casey
Just One Night
review 1: We reached the end. Finally.This review will contain spoilers so watch out.I like that it was able to maintain its humor towards the end. I think that this is the funniest installment.I don't want to be the party popper but...I am disappointed, to be honest. There were things left without closures. Like, what happened to Hank and his girlfriend? What happened to their company? What happened to Mia in the middle? What happened to Rachel? What happened to Jennifer's family? What happened to Ingrid immediately after the incident? They're little details but I think they're important ones.I love Edward. He was entertaining to read but what he did shatters all my adoration towards him. That is very disgusting. Seriously. WTF. He can't justify that with words. It is over and beyo... morend. I mean, his dad has been there, for Pete's sake!! Yuck. And then Will & Jen named their son after him! I don't know how that happened.I hate that the entire serial romance occurred in a span of weeks and then suddenly we jumped over 3 months without so much as a warning.I don't like that the story this time is a little flat and very predictable to me. Maybe I was expecting a very mind blowing twist.Also, I don't think that the bonus chapter should be excluded in the book version because it is pretty important to the story. Granted that I didn't understand half of the conversation (British slang) I still think that the readers should know that convo.So yeah. That's it.P.S. I didn't escape my notice that she didn't say: I love you, William.
review 2: *This 'tis be a review for the completed serial. I'm too lazy to review them all separately. 3.5 stars for it as a whole. I don't know why, but I have been on a huge serial kick lately. Even though I hate them, as a general rule. They make me feel like I'm being productive in my whole reading obsession, I guess. I still kind of wish they would disappear though. So. Just One Night Parts 1-6. Hilarious. Seriously, I was dying laughing. That could also be from the fact that I was delirious with exhaustion, but can't sleep though. I'm going with the being funny as hell though. It was chock full of quirky ridiculousness, which is my cup of tea. On the downside of that, beyond said quirky ridiculousness, there wasn't much else. I skimmed over bits of pieces of it because outside of the humor, I wasn't impressed with chunks of the storyline. Which, again, seems to be my biggest issue with serials. They just never seem to be enough to fully connect me with the characters. But for a serial, Just One Night is one of the better ones that I have read which really is a glowing compliment from me. less
Reviews (see all)
Loved this series!! Love the British references, euphemisms, etc. can't wait for Edwards story!
Very sweet ending. Great characters. Funny dialogue. Lil bit of drama. :)
Great ending now I am ready to see what happens to Edward.
I like this book and will like to read the next one.
love this series. love Elle Casey's books!!
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