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Castles On The Sand (2000)

by E.M. Tippetts(Favorite Author)
4.03 of 5 Votes: 3
Shattered Castles
review 1: ***I received an ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review ***Castles on the Sands is Madison Lukas’s story. I liked Madison she was genuinely a nice person, and saw the good in everyone, but at the same time I found her to be a little naïve, a bit of a pushover, and she had low self esteem which was understandable when you see the relationships or lack of one she has with her mother. Her mother was just mean, and I did feel sorry for her.The storyline was certainly not predictable; It deals with some serious problems such as abuse, neglect, bullying, and mental health. Emily Mah Tippetts covers all theses in a sensitive way. There is also a religious aspect of the story, and I was concerned that it was going to be overpowering, but I have to say it wasn’... moret it was played out objectively and wasn’t too preachy. By the end of the book, I had a greater knowledge of Mormonism.This book has some interesting secondary characters. I had big issues with Madison best friend Kailie, and I really disliked her. She was awful to her so many times, and I couldn’t understand why Madison continued to be her friend. I understand that she had a horrible home life, but that didn’t excuse her actions.Jean Pierre, Carson and Alex all three very different characters whom all liked Madison in very different ways. It was interesting to see the dynamics of their friendship play out. I knew which one I liked, and I was pleased that she picked him. I loved Siraj, too funny; he made me laugh so many times loved his dry sense of humor.Overall I would say this was an interesting read based on the synopsis I really didn’t know what to expect when I first started reading it. I did think it was a little slow to start with, and it took a while for me to get into, but that being said I did like it. It made me, smile, laugh, the romance side was sweet, but I did get frustrated often mainly due to Kailie.I’m looking forward to reading Love In Darkness that next one in the series. Castles On The Sands gets 3 stars from me
review 2: *I received a book from the author in exchange for an honest review*I think the author did good job with this book in writing about the struggles of being a teenager. The main character, Madison, is a naive 16 year old high schooler that lets everyone walk all over her. Her mom is extremely mean to her and treats her likes she's nonexistent. Her best friend is worthless and does things to her that a normal best friend would never do. Throughout the book we did get to see some positive relationships develop between Madison and her long lost brother John, Carson, and Alex. I could have done without all the religious/Mormon talk though. I am currently reading Love in Darkness (book 2) now, which is in Alex's POV. Review to come... less
Reviews (see all)
I loved this book! It was a great story and I can't wait for the sequel.
got to 50% and couldn't keep reading... dnf
Loved this book! Full review to come!
It's Mormon lit, but cute story.
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