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The Lost Treasure Of Tuckernuck (2012)

by Emily Fairlie(Favorite Author)
3.65 of 5 Votes: 5
0062118900 (ISBN13: 9780062118905)
Katherine Tegen Books
review 1: I certainly liked it. I thought the clues were great fun and I loved how the final clue brought the kids back to the original foyer and the chicken portrait. I thought the use of lists, student note passing and administrative emailing would be fun for kids to read. For me, an obvious comparison is The Westing Game - one of my favorites. I don't feel like the character development is as good in The Lost Treasure. Every player in TWG develops over time and is 'improved' as a result of playing the game - win or lose. I don't get that feeling in TLToT. The changes in Bud and his dad are predictable, and you know that Laurie is going to find the treasure and come to love the school. The language in TLToT, however, is up-to-date and engaging. I think kids will lik... moree it.
review 2: Poor Laurie has to go the local middle school her parents went to with their chicken mascot and strange challenge of finding the lost treasure supposedly hidden at the school. To make matters worse, her best friend is at another school, she is stuck on gerbil duty with a loser boy and she isn't making any new friends. Then her luck changes with the first clue and Laurie and Bud will begin a journey that will take them on new adventures as well as strike an unlikely friendship and hopefully save Tuckernuck from closing down for good. Great for boys and girls who must deal with sometimes not fitting in - that just about covers all of us! less
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One of next years Texas bluebonnet books. A cute mystery with some interesting characters.
Great book! Told my 5th graders about it and they all want to read it!
Good book! Now I see there is a sequel- so reading it!
My kids loved this.
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