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How To (Un)cage A Girl (2008)

by Francesca Lia Block(Favorite Author)
3.76 of 5 Votes: 2
0061358363 (ISBN13: 9780061358364)
review 1: For every author I love, there is always the one book they have written I do not like. In Francesca Lia Block's case, me not liking something she has written is virtually impossible, so I shall concede to say that this book did not move me quite the way her others do. I was brilliant, yes, beautiful, eloquent and imaginative. I would expect nothing less from the mind of FLB, but it was not fluid like her other books. Perhaps because it was a collection of poems and not a full story. Nonetheless, I liked the book, and as always i would recommend her work to all who let their imagination run wild and have a knack of seeing the world in a way others don't. =)
review 2: how to (un)cage a girl is Francesca Lia Block's slim collection of poetry, which, if one of the
... morepoems inside is telling the truth, was written over forty five days. It is divided into three sections, none of which left me lusting for more. There are a couple gems, in particular "forty-five thoughts for my daughter and my virtual daughters" which every teenage girl should probably read. It includes such thoughts as "dancing is an antidepressant / kindness is the new status symbol". Mostly however, the book reads as if it was a poetry collection written for teenage girls, by teenage girls- which would be a compliment if the poet wasn't the talented author behind over a dozen novels such as The Waters & The Wild and was actually a teenage girl. The truth is that I know Block is better than how to (un)cage a girl, so I can't help but be disappointed in the magic it is missing. less
Reviews (see all)
I don't know. Almost too coarse for my liking. But some of the later poems are beautiful.
ive rad a bit of this book but RLLY want to get it cause it just was sooo good
I love this author and this collection of poems
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