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Super Sad True Love Story (2010)

by Gary Shteyngart(Favorite Author)
3.44 of 5 Votes: 2
1400066409 (ISBN13: 9781400066407)
Random House Publishing Group
review 1: This book was kind of slow to start and seemed a little gimmicky to me at first, but I ended up really liking it, and that's saying something, because normally there's no character I dislike more than a forty year old guy lusting after a younger woman. I think the book lives up to its title. I wish the ending had been less rushed though. The book definitely has flaws, but I'm also kind of feeling the need to defend it against all the one star ratings. People on Goodreads are mean, man! No one forced you to read this book, just because you don't like a character doesn't mean a book doesn't have merit (in fact it seems to be that when a lot of people hate a character so vehemently maybe the author hit a cultural nerve!). And also, just a reminder, the author is not the same ... moreperson as his characters! It's called fiction. Calm down, people!
review 2: In essence, I read this book because my wife told me not to. Yes, I am the type of person that sees a sign saying, "DO NOT PUSH RED BUTTON" And I will immediately wonder why the sign was put up and then press the red button.It's not my fault that I pushed the red button, I mean read this book. You see, she made the plot sound super interesting. She said it was about a dystopian future where everyone had Google Glass type vision that projected everyone's ones credit score and hotness rating when you walk into a room. Then she said oh yeah and one of the main characters is this slutty Asian girl who wears see-through pants, but the writing is bad and I'm going to quit reading it and no one should read this crappy book.Of course all I heard were select key phrases, such as: dystopian future, interesting idea for plot, scary future, slutty, see-through pants, don't read, don't press the red button.So obviously I had no choice but to read the book.Turns out she was completely right and I probably should have just listened to my wife then, and more in the future ;)Yes, the book started out with a cool premise. Yes there was a slutty Asian girl with see-through pants. But most importantly, yes the book was actually dull and badly written. less
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Had no expectations and really liked this book. Led me to read his others and they are not worth it.
50 Romantic Novels for People Who Hate Romance Novels. PS3619.H79 S87 2010
Dour tale of an unlikely romance told through a nuance narrative structure
Ugh. I did like a lot of the author's prose.
Not good. Don't read.
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