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Don't Sit On The Baby!: The Ultimate Guide To Sane, Skilled, And Safe Babysitting (2012)

by Halley Bondy(Favorite Author)
4.27 of 5 Votes: 5
0982732236 (ISBN13: 9780982732236)
Zest Books
review 1: This really opened my eyes on how babysitting really was.Before i read this the only rule i really knew was don't sit on the baby which any idiot SHOULD know.I doubt i wanna babysit now because kids are scarey!My little brother's a nightmare but with other people's kids i'll pass out.It s like everything sets them off.I can't stand the tantrums,the "having to take care of them" part of babysitting,and the fact that you have to pax taxes!Also who ever named it "babysitting" should be smacked upside his head!First of all who sits on babies????NASTINESS!And second,where's the "sitting" part?
review 2: I remember going to a Babysitting Clinic when I was in 6th grade. It was a big deal-- we got certificates at the end of it, and the local newspaper published the nam
... morees of all the graduates. I don't know that many 6th graders babysit now, but if they did, this would be a great book for them to have.There are three sections to the book; what to expect from babysitting, essential skills, and how to deal with the business end of sitting. The inclusion of descriptions of what to expect from various ages of children was especially handy and would probably be good for new parents to read as well! The skill section is incredibly detailed, giving tips for everything from feeding and dealing with toilet issues to how and what to play with children of various ages. There are also sections on how to discipline children, how to deal with emergenices, and how to put children to bed successfully. I could have used that with one family of five that I frequently babysat! The business section is also helpful, giving information on how to find employers, what to expect in pay, and how to tell parents that you can no longer work for them! The only information I can remember getting about babysitting was that it was important to get the parents' contact information, the bedtimes of the children, and the location of the snacks! This would have been a very helpful book to have, even though it does seem to be aimed at babysitters over the age of 14, since it includes things like driving children places and working as an overnight babysitter. less
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Great read/gift for the young or new babysitter in your life!
This book is a LIFESAVER. Literally!
I won a copy from the publisher.
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