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Relatively Famous (2014)

by Heather Leigh(Favorite Author)
3.95 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: First, a BIG shout out to Kindle Unlimited!!! I have already more that made up for the price of the service, and have experienced some wonderful reads in the process. Now, on to this story. I enjoyed it; I felt the that plot and storyline was unique and was a different twist on the whole Hollywood romance theme. Sydney is born to the "Brangelina" of the day, the Hollywood super couple, and the pressures of their career and fame broke up their marriage and family. The trauma of it all, took quite a toil on Sydney, affecting her whole outlook on life, privacy and trust. Because of this fear, she has never developed relationships beyond a mere acquaintance, or a lust filled one night stand. She has not seen her Dad for over 12 years, and her Mom spends half the year in Belize... more and has completed dropped out of the Hollywood scene. Sydney has one close friend, Leah that knows her burden, yet would never betray her and has been her confidant for the entire 12 years.One morning, she meets an extremely handsome stranger, who provides an act of kindness to Sydney that leaves an indelible mark, and he consumes her thoughts and dreams. She innocently runs into him again at her favorite coffee house, and a budding romance begins. Because Sydney doesn't follow the Hollywood scene, watch movies or TV, she has no clue who she has fallen for, and it is this angst that keeps the reader fully engaged in this story to see what will happen next. I will say that as much as I enjoyed the story and the plot, I didn't have that wow connection with Sydney, as much as I would have liked. I loved Drew, and picked up on his "secret" much sooner than it was revealed, but it was fun seeing it all play out. I am encouraged to continue through with this series, as there is still so much that I want to see happen, so on to book two.
review 2: I had a hard time with this book. It was lots of telling and not much showing. I didn't like Sydney or Drew. I didn't feel the kind of zing I like to feel between a H/h. I couldn't buy the whole bit about her not knowing anything about pop culture and being immersed in the design world. She read, so it stands to reason she's been in a book store or walked by a news stand. She never saw these too of their game men on a magazine cover? Never heard at least top 40 music at a restaurant? Nah, I can't buy into the cluelessness of it all. I could've bought into her not actively seeking it out but not the total bubble she apparently lives in. Which was clearly a problem for me. I know kids go through some shit when mom and dad split but to keep having such intense PTSD symptoms from it 12 years later was too unrealistic and over the top without a reason angsty for me. I gave this 2 stars because I finished it. less
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The guy has serious anger & possessiveness issues.
ARC for fair review. Review to coming soon.
4.5 Famous Stars! Loved it!!!!!
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