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Het Graf (2004)

by Henning Mankell(Favorite Author)
3.55 of 5 Votes: 5
9059650026 (ISBN13: 9789059650022)
review 1: I listened to this as an audio book. However, it was not a full length novel. It was like a long short story. It had me hooked from the first chapter, when Wallander finds a finger bone sticking out of the earth in an overgrown garden of a country house he's thinking of buying. At the end, there is a section where the author talks about how he created the Wallander character, which I found almost as fascinating as the story itself. I highly recommend this one to mystery readers who want a short one they cannot put down.
review 2: It was a very pleasant surprise to find that a new novella featuring Kurt Wallander originally published for a Dutch reading promotion in 2004 had suddenly surfaced in the UK. Many years ago I picked up a copy of the first Wallander no
... morevel to be published in the UK and was hooked immediately. I waited eagerly for each new novel to be translated and published and was sad when the supply dried up. Then came The Troubled Man and I really thought that that was that. And now we have An Event in Autumn. It is only a novella, and a swiftly passing pleasure, but it was a delight to be back in the company of Wallander, Martinson, Lindman and the supremely grumpy Nyberg again. The story centres around a gruesome discovery that Kurt makes when looking around a prospective new house in the countryside. There's plenty of incident even though the story is only 150 pages long and, as ever, the weather and landscape play major parts. As a bonus, there's an essay by Henning Mankell on how he came to create and develop the character of Wallender. less
Reviews (see all)
I'm delighted to have found another Wallender. Most enjoyable read.
Fantastic little Henning Mankell novelette. Stunningly good!
A fill-in story recently published but still interesting.
A short story, rather thin.
Beware- a lite fare.
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