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The Next Time You See Me (2013)

by Holly Goddard Jones(Favorite Author)
3.48 of 5 Votes: 2
1451683367 (ISBN13: 9781451683363)
review 1: This is one of those books that's tough to classify. It's about a murder, so it's partly a detective story, but mostly it's a story about loneliness and the search for its antidotes--friendship, love and intimacy. Holly Goddard Jones animates her characters with beautifully descriptive writing, evoking the sights and smells of life in this small Kentucky town. It's a heartbreaking story on multiple levels.
review 2: I couldn't decide between 3 and 4 stars, so maybe 3.5 is the true rating. I had high hopes for it because Gillian Flynn (Gone Girl, Dark Places) gave it a glowing review, but it fell a little short of those small town dramatic mystery novels. The author had some very well-written character development and internal monologue for the characters, the m
... moreain thing that fell short for me was the plot. It felt like it was building up to something that never really took hold for me. With that being said, I would still recommend this to a friend who enjoys literature in the same realm as it gives that great look into small town USA in the early 90's. less
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Interesting characters. Things not totally resolved, but that is life. I recommend it. :)
This took a little while to get into but I'm glad I kept going. All in all a good read.
This was one of Emma's picks. I thought it was on the predictable side.
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