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As Easy As Pi: Stuff About Numbers That Isn't (just) Maths (2009)

by Jamie Buchan(Favorite Author)
3.42 of 5 Votes: 2
1843173557 (ISBN13: 9781843173557)
Michael O'Mara Books Ltd
review 1: This is essentially a book of facts about numbers, rather than a book about maths. I guess that's OK in itself, but don't expect too much if you have any kind of background in mathematics, science or engineering. The book is written well enough and held my interest, but it didn't take me long to read it and there weren't many things that I found particularly interesting. I expect this book would be a lot better for kids or people with little familiarity with the subject.
review 2: Easy as Pi by Jamie Buchan is an interesting nonfiction book dealing with basic mathematics and numbers. This book describes the countless ways we use numbers everyday throughout our lives, oftentimes without realizing it.This book is filled with over a hundred different and unique wa
... moreys that we use numbers in practically every area of our lives. Throughout the course of the book, the reader comes to the realization that numbers occur within multiple subjects and topics including education, culture, religion, language, fiction and mythology. For example, in the “religion” section of the book, Buchan describes the who/what/where/when/why/how the number 666 is commonly associated with the devil. There are some really cool mathematical examples in this book as well, such as the Fibonacci sequence. As described in the book, the Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers where a particular term within the sequence equals the sum of the previous two terms. There are story problems listed where the answer to the problem is found using this sequence. I found some of this information very cool and interesting.Overall, this book was okay. It was not one of those “on-the-edge-of-your-seat” types of books since there was no suspense or tension involved, but for being a mathematical nonfiction book, I guess suspense is not an attribute which you should expect. Sometimes I felt that the information given throughout the book was given in too much detail, making parts of the book somewhat boring. Had the author just stuck with simple facts and light descriptions rather than relying on heavy, over-written and unnecessary details, the book would have been a much more enjoyable read.This book is definitely not for everybody. Only a select group of people will find this book to be truly fascinating. I would recommend this book to those interested in learning something new, those fascinated by mathematics or numbers, or enjoy science. less
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Today, as I added this book as "to-read," the average rating was... wait for it... 3.14!
Love the facts! Will use them in my classroom!
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