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La Ragazza Del Libro Dei Fuochi (2011)

by Jane Borodale(Favorite Author)
3.61 of 5 Votes: 1
8865080450 (ISBN13: 9788865080450)
review 1: Probably the best "first" novel I have read. The characters are excellent and transform throughout the story. There are enough twists and turns, both good and bad, to keep most readers happy. The information on pyrotechnics is fascinating even though it is something I know little about. The aspects of eighteenth century London ring true.Borodale has mastery of the language that I can only dream about. Her descriptive ability is five stars: brilliant yet restrained.I hope she has more books in her, I'll be looking for them.
review 2: This book got off to a slow start as its heroine leaves her home in Sussex to travel to London to hide the shame of her pregnancy that resulted from her being raped by a local boy. In London, the story picks up as she stumbles acro
... moress the home of J. Blacklock, a fireworks maker who is grieving the loss of his wife. Agnes persuades him to give her a chance, finding herself quite interested in and adept at the firework-making business. An interesting twist at the end resolves her pregnancy dilemma just in time for the delivery. less
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Enjoyed this but the ending was a bit predictable.
Eins der besten Bücher, die ich je gelesen habe!
Beautifully written, a beautiful story.
Very interesting. I liked the details
One of the books that I loved!
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