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Gillespie And I (2011)

by Jane Harris(Favorite Author)
3.81 of 5 Votes: 4
0571275168 (ISBN13: 9780571275168)
Faber & Faber
review 1: Picked this book up by chance whilst in a tea room taking a break from everyday life. The book being my first real paperback in ages instead of my iPad collection felt good as the narrative from the start holds you in an instance, it's captivating from the start as you are taken into the world that Jane Harris invites you to explore as your own imagination creates each character as if they were actually standing in front of you. This is a book you want more of each time you turn the pages. Good story telling at its best.
review 2: Gillespie and I is not the type of book I normally read. I needed a change of pace and based on some of the high ratings and lack of readers willingness to give up the story line, I decided to give it a chance. I knew going in to it
... more that it would be overly detailed and long winded at times. The writing is very good, so the boring moments didn't last long. There is a lot of sadness to this book mixed with some wicked humor. It is not a complicated book but there is a lot of symbolism and tends to lean toward predestination and that makes the book quite unique. Yes, a bit long winded at times but also a very worthy read. If you are tired of the same old same old and need to read something out of your wheelhouse, give this a try. less
Reviews (see all)
Interesting story with enjoyable writing, though I lost interest once the trial started.
Inquietante. Me ha recordado otro libro que leí hace poco: El ocupante.
An interesting story, but almost painfully slow in unfolding.
one of these books where you cant trust the story teller
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