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Berlin, 2: La Città Di Fumo (2002)

by Jason Lutes(Favorite Author)
4.06 of 5 Votes: 4
8876181202 (ISBN13: 9788876181207)
Coconino Press
review 1: Would probably be more enjoyable if I knew more about German history, but this series has piqued my curiosity about the era. Lutes's illustrations are amazing, and I enjoy the personal story lines of his characters against the historical/political backdrop. My only complaint is that sometimes, the characters look similar and are difficult to distinguish from one another, so I find myself forgetting who people are and having to go back and remind myself.This installment has much more sex/sexual themes in it than the first, which is fine by me, but just in case you are not into that kind of thing! Looking forward to Book 3! Whenever that may be...next year maybe, I've read?
review 2: This and its predecessor have provided a wealth of information about the events
... moreleading up to the end of the Weimar Republic and the rise of the Third Reich. I did not realize how much the communists/socialists played into the hands of the fascists. There was a class war going on during the end of the 1920's that was not unlike what we are seeing today. That, combined with an ineffective government and a failing economy, can open the doors to horrors that I hope I only ever read about. So, the subject matter I find fascinating, the execution of it in this graphic novel, not so much. Again, the artwork is neither specific enough or consistent enough to follow easily. And in this volume, I think Lutes dwells a little too much on the underbelly of society, but it did successfully set the scene for a third installment, ending with the elections of 1930, where 83% of the electorate came out to vote in protest of the failing government, which resulted in 107 Parliament seats going to the National Socialists, also known as the Nazis. I hope I can get a hand of further installments. Question to anyone who has read this: Is the angry man making a speech on pages 156-158 Hitler without the mustache? less
Reviews (see all)
Book two is even better than book one. And I loved book one.
Gulped down in one sitting. Really an incredible thing.
Berlin. bleierne stadt
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