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The Others - Sie Sind Dein Schicksal (2012)

by Jess Haines(Favorite Author)
3.89 of 5 Votes: 2
3453356365 (ISBN13: 9783453356368)
Diana TB
H&W Investigations
review 1: Gah! I don't even know where to begin with this review. This book picks up with Shia going on a wilderness retreat with Chaz and his pack. I was sad to discover this meant we would not be seeing Alec or any of the usual characters for at least 50% of the book. I sorely missed them, but I had to admit that Chaz and the werewolves were growing on me. Damn. The author did a really good job putting me in Shia's position. I was totally sucked in by the mystery and was looking in the completely wrong direction when everything blew up. This book did something that hasn't been done to me, probably since the great Bill/Eric/Sookie drama of the Sookie Stackhouse series -- made me FURIOUS. I mean, I had to stop and put the book down because I was so mad. I wasn't mad like Kar... moreen Marie Moning's Fever series made me, which was about the cliffhangers and the endless waiting for the next book. I was mad because I was totally in tune with Shia. She was mad and I felt every second of it. Reading those chapters was hard, but so gritty and real. I wanted to punch things. I wanted to be in her shoes, but at the same time was happy I wasn't. The end of the book was kind of a cliffhanger, but since I'm going to obviously start the next book right away, I don't have to suffer too much. I want more Alec. I really hope that Alec and Shia become closer in this next installment. Shia deserves some happy in her life, and I am totally team Alec in that I think he can give it to her.So why 4 stars? I guess any book that can get under my skin like this one did deserves more than my typical 3 stars for books that are okay. I just hope this doesn't become a habit with this series. There's only so much torture a girl can take.
review 2: Read for Fun!Overall Rating: 4.00Character Rating: 3.75Story Rating: 4.25First thought when finished: Chaz you BROKE MY HEART!What I Loved: I really love Shiarra! I know she probably won't work for everyone but I love that she is so aware of who she is. Her life is not exactly going as planned but she is pulling herself up by the bootstraps one day at a time. I really loved (for the first half) getting to know Chaz more. It gave us a glimpse of what Shiarra sees in him and we had been missing that from the first two installments. Ok, the geek girl in me has decided that I love the "GTFO" group though I have to dock points from my girl Shi for not knowing what that meant!What I Liked: We got to learn more about the packs in this story and more about weres in general. As y'all know in the paranormal world I love my witches, then my weres, and then the vampires. This series has all 3 and now I feel we have a pretty good feel for all of them. Even though what we learned about some weres was less than stellar.What made me go huh?: Chaz broke my heart and the end felt a little rushed to me. I get that she was pissed but the Chaz we got to know in the beginning now seemed to disappear. I don't want them together but I don't want to think he was just a bad guy all along. An ass yes, a truly bad guy (kill them, take no prisoners) NO! The whole get out of my car now really ticked me off and felt a little out of character to me!Final Thought: I am loving this world! You have to love a book that makes you angry in parts :) less
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All I can say here is that I KNEW Alec was the better man.
Wow. thats all I have to say and I hope Shia kills Chaz.
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