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December Dread (2012)

by Jess Lourey(Favorite Author)
3.92 of 5 Votes: 1
0738731889 (ISBN13: 9780738731889)
Midnight Ink
Murder-by-Month Mystery
review 1: The latest in Jess Lourey's Murder By the Month series is a much darker mystery than previous ones have been. Mira James returns to her home town of Paynesville, MN, for the Christmas holidays to find the Candy Cane Killer, a serial killer who, for three years, has been killing four young women every December and dropping candy canes as calling cards. Naturally Mira and her sidekick, Mrs. Berns, get involved to the consternation of the FBI. In a bang up ending it's nip and tuck whether Mira will be the latest victim. (Of course we know she wins out as January Thaw follows as Mira's next adventure.
review 2: This is part of Jess Lourey's Murder by Month series, but, though December, it's the first I've read. It seems to be a standard mystery with a heroine
... morewho is at first down on her luck who moves into a trailer home in a small town and starts solving mysteries. She has a plucky elderly friend (they seem to be popular in writing now)and a big chip on her shoulder when it comes to visiting her mother and her hometown. Lourey does a nice job exploring the hold that our high school past has on us and how we often don't realize that others have moved on or never thought of us that badly in high school after all. I didn't really like alternating the thoughts of the killer w/the heroine's actions, but I have to say I didn't guess who it was. Pretty good read. less
Reviews (see all)
Interesting read. Quick read mystery with some twists and turns.
It was a pretty good Christmas book.
Light and fluffy holiday reading
I just didn't like it.
Fun read!
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