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The Executor (2010)

by Jesse Kellerman(Favorite Author)
3.21 of 5 Votes: 1
039915647X (ISBN13: 9780399156472)
Putnam Adult
review 1: This was actually one of my favorite reads. I couldn't tell you why, but a few years later after reading it-it still sticks out in my mind. Jesse Kellerman writes beautifully. I'm not a fan of his parents work so I'm glad he decided to take on a different genre other than murder mysteries. The story is mediocre at best. I absolutely hate the character as an individual. What I do love about this book is how beautifully it is written, and I love the existentialistic ideas he poses about free will. I wouldn't suggest reading this if you're not into deeply thought and cynic internal dialogue. But I personally like this read.
review 2: Nothing is a better read than a slow descent into madness. In this story, the lure of undeserved wealth causes a somewhat ineffecti
... moreve, but certainly harmless, post graduate student to murder two people (rather brutually). Of course, throughout the story, the main character Joseph justifies every single step he takes to commit the crime and then to cover it up. There are brief moments where Joseph appreciates his depravity of his actions and the collateral consequences, which are scenes brilliantly written by Kellerman. less
Reviews (see all)
The beginning was slow; the end was a rapid spiral out of control. A good enough book.
I think he was going for Kafka, but I hated the main character.
hated it and couldn't finish
it was an ok book.
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