SCANDAL: Harrisburg City Officials named in alleged Coordinated Property Subversion Scheme

Initial Report on Lawsuit against HBG Mayor’s Senior Advisor

Harrisburg, PA – The Harrisburg Redevelopment Authority (HRA) & HBG Economic Development Director Jackie Parker is accused of bypassing the legal planning process in order to steal property in Allison Hill. Harrisburg officials violated the Urban Redevelopment Act of PA. 

Photo credit: CBS21 News

In a letter sent to Harrisburg Redevelopment Authority solicitor Stu Magdule, a Harrisburg resident presents the solid case against the illegal processes. It is detailed how Harrisburg City coordinated a subversion of private property rights and ownership, by using the Brownfield planning fund. 

A private attorney counciling the citizen believes this could spark a grand jury investigation. The call is for the United States attorney general to intervene.

The letter was certified and sent to the following recipients:

Eric Papenfuse, Neil Grover, Bryan Davis, George Payne, Harrisburg City Council, Harrisburg Planning Commision, Dauphin County Commissioners, John DiSanto, Edward Marsico, Josh Shapiro, Jeffrey Sessions

City Council and the planning commission were sent certified copies of the letter because HRA kept them in the dark

Read the letter here

HRA Letter of Official Notice

This letter details how the city bypassed the planning commission so they could sneak money into a fund first.

They bypassed the Urban Redevelopment Act of PA.

The city planned to gentrify Allison Hill under the guise of brownfield redevelopment.

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