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Flip This Zombie (2011)

by Jesse Petersen(Favorite Author)
3.91 of 5 Votes: 1
0316102954 (ISBN13: 9780316102957)
Living With the Dead
review 1: I really liked this book. It was a Super fast read because it's a great action story. I love the married characters Sarah and Dave. They are Zombie busters Inc. They come and kill the zombie you've been having trouble with. They find a camp of survivors and times are tough there. Small group holds the crazies and liars and bad guys with a whole bunch of other people. so the couple finds themselves going out to help others earning trade supplies. food and ammo. They stumble across a note asking for help. They find a Dr in a warehouse with water,electric and food. They love it but the catch is pretty crazy. catch zombies and bring them back alive. Plus the doctor is crazy. Then he creates bionic zombies and then Dave gets bit! plus ad 5 the humor and awesome sa... morercasm. Also a Harry potter reference and some songs I know. Good book.
review 2: I didnt enjoy this one as much as I enjoyed the first one. I suppose the whole dynamic of Sarah and David going through marriage counseling is what made the first one so interesting and funny. But now that they've worked through they're issues the wittiness was missing. There were funny moments just not enough to keep me held on to the story. The introduction of The Kid left more to be desired. I hated to imagine them trying to be parents to this kid they just found. Not saying they wouldnt have been great parents, it would just seem so cut and paste. Thankfully, there was a nice twist at the end that finally sparked some interest for me and got me back into the story. Since I already have the 3rd book I am going to go ahead and read it. I doubt other wise I would have gone out of my way to purchase it after reading this one. Hopefully the 3rd will make up for what the 2nd was lacking. less
Reviews (see all)
Not as funny as the first one, but I still really enjoyed it! Super quick and entertaining read!
I thoroughly enjoyed this second novel of the zombie series from a very talented author
Not quite as funny as the first installment, but equally entertaining!
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