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Big Bad Bite (2013)

by Jessie Lane(Favorite Author)
3.73 of 5 Votes: 6
Smashwords Edition
Big Bad Bite
review 1: This is my first Jessie Lane book, but holy cats it won't be my last!This book is what I like to call a slow burn. It grabs hold and pulls you into the storyline with these amazing, crazy, unique characters and settings that you just can't stop reading. The romance builds and builds between the two main characters to the point where I was wondering - are they ever freaking going to do it or not?! - and then adding in the drama of the pack, Jenna's history, and some crazy police stuff, this book held me captive from page one.Let's start off with Jenna, a badass heroine who has some freaky powers (like levitating objects), can shift into a wolf, and can kick ass in her human form. She's learning about herself and her powers and her family, when she catches the eye of Alph... morea Adam. Adam is the epitome of Alpha - you're mine, bend over - but Jenna is not that sort of girl. She's strong and has a smart mouth, and I loved her POV - she's very sarcastic and doesn't like people telling her what to do (or wear, lol) but in the shifter world, that's part and par for the course. She has to learn to toe the line really quickly.Adam's the kind of hero that I love. He's instantly possessive of Jenna even though she's waving the "no-touchee" signs everywhere. He's the perfect mixture of alpha asshole and vulnerable sweetheart that makes me melt every time. The bar scene, the hospital, the woods - Adam can Big Bad Bite me anytime.Can I just say that I love Babushka. Her misunderstanding of the language was freaking hilarious. She should have her own book of catch phrases. Love. Her.I think it's worth mentioning that the technical details in this book are out of this world. Jessie clearly knows her stuff - SWAT team/cops, weapons, fighting - I am in awe and it kept me entranced the entire time. This book reads like a crime drama and a shifter romance mixed up together into a hot, steamy awesome book. I'm really looking forward to reading the next book in the series and I hope that Jessie has plans to continue on for many, many more books.
review 2: Adam and Jenna's story is great. Jenna is Alfa all the way and pretty amazing. The humor in this book is fantastic. I wish I had half the snarky comebacks as Jenna and crew. Sometimes the author goes into detail that drags alittle but after you finish reading that part you have a clear picture of the finer details. If it gets too detailed for you keep reading because it will come back with some sort of action. Good stuff. less
Reviews (see all)
Started off good but ultimately had a high school feel to it even though they were all adults.
Great new series, I love all the characters and can't wait to read more about them.
Awesome new series! Looking forward to book 2
*review to come :)*
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