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Eiffel's Tower: And The World's Fair Where Buffalo Bill Beguiled Paris, The Artists Quarreled, And Thomas Edison Became A Count (2009)

by Jill Jonnes(Favorite Author)
3.71 of 5 Votes: 1
0670020605 (ISBN13: 9780670020607)
Viking Adult
review 1: I gave it one more star than Jennifer only because I like some of the subject matter. She hit it on the head with her review however. This book is so disjointed in its style that it is impossible to ever get into any kind of rhythm or excitement over what is happening. The first part, where it is about the actual building of the tower is not bad but then it disolves into a conglomeration of facts about people that for the most part never interact with one another. I really tried hard to finish it but have to many good books stacked up to better spend my time on. The author managed to take some of my favorite subjects, the wild west, european history, famous artists, etc. and drove me to not want to read about them. A sad accomplishment.
review 2: One learns ab
... moreout the engineering genius of Gustave Eiffel and the Paris Exposition of 1889, during which the Eiffel Tower opened. Viewed initially by many as a foolhardy endeavor, the Tower was an overwhelming success at the Exposition and beyond. The book also provides interesting detail on the 1889 Exposition, including the successful show out on by Buffalo Bill. The book perhaps suffers at the end by spending many pages informing us about the post-Exposition life of Buffalo Bill, which one would not expect from the title. Nonetheless, a highly readable study of a fascinating man who perfected a unique idea. less
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I love Paris, especially 19th C Paris, this is a great book about the World Exhibition in 1899.
Fascinating view of history, technology, engineering and art
Good history, but could standing a bit of editing.
Very readable and very useful for my reearch
Loved it.
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