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Pennies For The Ferryman (2009)

by Jim Bernheimer(Favorite Author)
3.61 of 5 Votes: 4
0979573882 (ISBN13: 9780979573880)
Gryphonwood Press
Dead Eye
review 1: The second half of this book saved it. The first couple chapters are an intro to Mike and his new found power. The next part of the book really dragged. It seemed like it was written as a serial, even the chapters were listed as "Episode". Mike was taking odd jobs to help other ghosts "travel-on"; the ferryman over the river Styxx. Through these "episodes" there was an overall story taking shape and the proverbial "poop" hit the fan in the second half of the book. This kept me involved enough to keep reading and wanting to see where the series goes in the next installments. However, if the second book doesn't catch me it may be the last I read of Mike Ross the Ferryman.
review 2: I loved this audio book but would have enjoyed reading it too. The hero has some
... moreissues. He sees the dead and they see him too. He can force them to crossover which they aren't going to do peacefully. The learning curve is steep and dangerous but mostly, it's funny as hell. The entire cast of. characters is Casper on steroids. There are Civil War ghost on the loose and Edgar Allen Poe's demonic brother is trying to leave his grave to do very bad things. All the plot lines lead to repeated ass whippings for the hero until he starts fighting back and discovers he has skills. It's a blast. less
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A fun read with a great ending that had me starting the next novel in the series the same day.
A great surprise, enjoyed by audio book on a road trip to wine country.
Ok. Don't spend money on it though.
Creative plot and storyline
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