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Reaper's Stand (2014)

by Joanna Wylde(Favorite Author)
4.37 of 5 Votes: 3
0425272362 (ISBN13: 9780425272367)
Berkley Trade
Reapers MC
review 1: I've just torn through three of these books...and holy crap, were they addictive! I started with the second in the series - Reaper's Legacy and it was a solid 4 stars. Then on to Devil's Game - moved up to 4 & 1/2 stars. And now this one - Reaper's Stand? Five hard core stars! I can't honestly say I've read a lot of MC or biker books - wouldn't have thought it would capture my interest. But I'd heard good things about these so with a little bit of skepticism dove in. I'm blown away at how much I enjoyed this series...and hoping we get plenty more about the Reapers, the Devil Jacks and/or the other clubs. What works so well for me with this series is it's a really wide variety of age ranges with these couples. Ruger and Sophie are in their early thirties/late twenti... morees. Hunter and Em are more in the new adult range - very early twenties. And then we have Picnic and London - in their early forties/late thirties. I'm impressed that age really didn't matter with this author - she writes great, believable romance and angst regardless of the age or experience of her characters. And as such, she opened up such a treasure trove of potential stories amidst this group of characters. I'd have loved to learn more about what happened with Maggs and Bolt - because I feel like I've been following their story throughout all three books, despite the fact they've been minor characters in each one. This community of characters is rich and interesting. What set this particular book apart from the first two I read was the intricate plotting and pace of the story. There were several twists along the way - completely catching me off guard even though the prologue made it clear that at some point things go seriously off kilter for Pic and London. But I was so pulled in to their growing relationship that I found I almost forgot where we started (which was a pretty messed up place). London is a great character. Strong, courageous - but admittedly naïve and way over her head in dealing with the MC culture and all of the danger swirling around her and her girl. It might have been easy to make her too needy and a clichéd damsel in distress - but the author did a great job of giving London the backbone and foresight to do what she had to when it really counted. I'll admit I found it frustrating at times when she didn't speak up or ask for help - but I could understand her hesitancy given her inexperience with dealing with Pic and his club.And despite the fact that Pic could be (and sometimes was) an absolute bastard - we were shown enough vulnerability and tenderness from him to make me want him to find a happily ever after. His continued devotion to his late wife and his dedication and love for his daughters was heart melting. There was an exchange regarding his late wife toward the very end of the book that had me in tears. I highly recommend checking out these books - even if it's not a category you think you'd normally go for. It certainly caught me off guard. And now it's got me thinking I may need to go check out Sons of Anarchy, after all...
review 2: This really was not one of my favourite books out of the Reaper's MC series, and if this is the last book I will be seriously dissappointed in how it all ends.The only reason why this book got three stars was:1. The amazing writing (Joanna Wylde never fails in this)2. The story line (again Joanna Wylde really outdid herself with this story)3. Reese "Picnic" Hayes, was seriously an amazing male character and made my heart flutter as well as hurt for him. 4. The side line characters/ club drama and their life events. This showed that life continues on constantly, which makes the little fan girl in me squeal!I think why I did not like this book too much was because of the romance story, it just was not for me. Maybe it is because it hit a little to close to home considering as to what happened in Son's of Anarchy (my all time favourite show at the moment) and my main couple in that show. I was so happy to see Em and Hunter make an appearance in this novel, I literally screamed when I read Hunter's name. I became seriously enthralled with Bolt and Magg's story (P.S. I really hope she does a book for them because their shit needs to get sorted out, and I would definitely love to be a fly in the wall for that). Joanna Wylde is a genius in the way she ended this story because before starting this book I was not at all interested in reading her upcoming new series "Silver Valley," now I cannot wait to get my hands on it! I am completely fascinated with Puke! (If she makes his love interest who I think she will, I will seriously be pretty perturbed, and that is putting it mildly)All in all this book didn't really hit the mark for me, and I really hope she does not end this series with this book because there is just so many other characters and stories that I need to read about before I have had my fill of the Reaper's Motorcycle Club in Idaho. less
Reviews (see all)
Love this series up til now. Looking forward to what happens next...hope something else is coming??
Typical Reapers MC book. Characters as obnoxious as ever but still fun to read, as per usual.
i'm so hooked on this series it's a problem. and the added epilogues....what a genius move!
Loved this book. Great story and loved the characters!
may be my favorite of the series...
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