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Peter Pan Must Die (Dave Gurney, No. 4): A Novel (2014)

by John Verdon(Favorite Author)
3.85 of 5 Votes: 4
038534841X (ISBN13: 9780385348416)
Dave Gurney
review 1: 4.5 Ah, yes, another satisfying John Verdon mystery. I love his intricate plotlines and the way you really do need to keep guessing the whole way. I'm still unhappy with the relationship between Gurney and his wife, Madeleine. It's not like any relationship I can relate to.....and I guess it's because I don't really like her.....at all! I realized it's not a major part of the story, but it is a large minor part (ah, semantics!). This creepy killer reminds me of some of the characters that M. E. Kerr has written about in her fabulous YA stories a few years back - not at all "normal" or "average" in appearance. Which keeps me thinking about the evil in this guy - how much does odd appearance mold our personality?
review 2: Received as an ARC via my employer
... more Barnes & Noble. Started 4-28-14. Finished 5-2-14.Excellent thriller. I generally judge these types of books by how fast I find myself reading toward the very end of the book because the ending (and resolution of the mystery) is so exciting. Well, this "fast-ness" started about 2/3 of the way into it and kept the pace through to the end. A very clever way to tell the story. A woman has been charged, tried, and convicted of killing her wealthy SOB of a husband. An attorney and 2 former police officers believe she may have been framed. They revisit the crime from it's very beginning, requestion all the witnesses and review all the evidence. A who-dunnit in the best sense of the word. Will keep you guessing to the end. less
Reviews (see all)
airplane reading; an awful lot of chaos, mayhem, death and destruction.
I give this one a 4.5. I really liked this book, well written!
Great beginning, slow wordy middle and effective ending.
Gruesome, but compelling.
Un buen libro.
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