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Älä Koskaan Pyyhi Kyyneleitä Paljain Käsin: 2. Sairaus (2012)

by Jonas Gardell(Favorite Author)
4.25 of 5 Votes: 3
9510402869 (ISBN13: 9789510402863)
Johnny Kniga
Torka aldrig tårar utan handskar
review 1: This is one of those books you can't read if you haven't read the first one. Even though I have read the first one - a year and a half ago - I was at times lost re: who is who and what had happened. The structure of the book didn't help with that at all, it jumps from one year to another, switches between people as well and it's easy to lose track of who is talking about what on which year. I feel there wasn't so much character development but rather sad endings for characters that could have been so much more - perfectly fitting with the theme of AIDS killing young gay men. Benjamin and Rasmus were less in the center of this than in the previous one and I found that to be one of the weak points. If you want to make the story about them, then truly focus on them. By no mea... morens do they have a peachy relationship but despite that their loyalty to each other was touching. To know that the facts in the background are just that, facts, and not something the author made up are what made this a chilling read at times. To think people were treated terribly just because instead of information and knowledge there were wild rumours.
review 2: Trilogian toinen osa on entistä sydämeenkäyvempi. Fiktiivisen, mutta silti toden tarinansa tueksi Gardell nostaa otsikoita, lausuntoja ja haastatteluja siitä käsittämästä epäoikeudenmukaisuudesta jota on koettu. Kirjan pääjuonen kaaren voi aavistaa heti alussa, mutta silti lopussa huomaa pidättävänsä henkeään ja toivovansa, että eihän tässä nyt voi käydä niin. Tärkeä teos. less
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Zweden in de jaren 80, aids en de homoscene daar.
Så smärtsamt viktig och nödvändig.
Bara sååå bra och sorglig...!!!
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