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The Sword Volume 4: Air (2010)

by Jonathan Luna(Favorite Author)
4.12 of 5 Votes: 3
1607061686 (ISBN13: 9781607061687)
Image Comics
The Sword
review 1: Well, finally the epic battle. Lot of secrets come out, and a heck of an ending I didn't see coming (which is rare.) Like Vol. 3, they play fast and loose with biology- or rather, geology, which kind of ruins an otherwise credible story. I can't talk about it without ruining one of the big twists, but it's fair to say that it once again wrecks 'suspension of disbelief' for me. I can accept 4000 year old 'gods' but not messing with 5th grade science, sorry. Flying? I'm fine with. Magical wound healing? Great. But don't mess with how volcanoes erupt. Otherwise, good series. Worth getting at the library. I don't know that it has enough story to fill a trilogy of movies. Admittedly, one movie would be a lot, but going Kate Beckinsale/Underworld with it? It's going to be kinda ... morethin.
review 2: The storyline, as well as the final, epic battle, were real treats. Expect lots of unexpected twists to blindside you. In fact #4 might even rise to the heights of the excellent first installment, if it weren't for one plot point that had me knocking it down a star. The evil sister-goddess Dara faces in this story is all-powerful, able to manipulate the wind itself. Yet, as a god, she cannot reproduce, and Dara uses this fact as a verbal weapon against the woman. It is the first time her battle armor seems to crack. She "gets back" at Dara for this transgression by ripping out her girly parts, promising she, too, will be unable to have children. And this is supposed to be a horror upon horror, no matter that Dara has had everything else done to her by now. This kind of stuff always gets my goat. We are more than the sum of our organs and secretions, and we are no less of a person because some of us do not have children, by choice or by circumstance. There has to be more to life. There has to be. less
Reviews (see all)
An excellent, surprisingly moving conclusion to the series.
What a twist! Really didn't expect it. Excellent series.
Interesting end to the series with a few good suprises.
An overall entertaining series. Solid throughout.
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