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I Am Grimalkin (2000)

by Joseph Delaney(Favorite Author)
4.22 of 5 Votes: 3
0370332059 (ISBN13: 9780370332055)
The Last Apprentice / Wardstone Chronicles
review 1: First of all, I have to say (because I had this question) that this book is definitely part of the series and not a stand-alone, so don't skip it like I almost did.Grimalkin is one of my favorite characters from this series, and it's good to get more information on her background and what makes her tick. Like the rest of them, this book is pretty grim, but well-written and paced and very enjoyable.
review 2: I think this is my favorite book from Spook's Apprentice Series, ironically this is not even about Spook's ApprenticeBut really I love Grimalkin and to read the book from her point of view is entertaining. She's totally bad ass, courageous, strong, but still have a soft side in her. And I can't not love Thorne, she's witch assassin apprentice, Grimalkin's p
... morerotege. Trust me, you gotta love her characterBeside Grimalkin's adventure in this book I love how Delaney give us a lil bit snippet about Grimalkin's past like how she become witch assassin, her past with the fiend, and many more. "My speed in combat is not dark magic; it is the magic of my being, the magic of who I am. I am Grimalkin! less
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I love Grimalkin as the narrator...she's kick ass...but I miss Tom Ward!
It is kind of nice to be out of Tom's head.
My name is Grimalkin, and I fear nobody.
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