The Outcast’s Bloghouse Welcomes… Juvie

This week’s member inducted into The Oucast’s Bloghouse is the jack-of-all-trades, ball of energy, Juvie, of that blog with the best title on WordPress, Paradigm Shifter.

Sweet, regular visitor and commentator in the WP community, Juvie refers to herself as a frustrated writer and daydreamer. Her blog is a rich collection of musings, reviews, trivia, positivity and fabulous looking food recipes.

When asked about herself, the self-proclaimed nerd behind the blog, Juvie had this to say;

‘I was born in the Philippines in the year 1986. I grew up playing outside the house with friends and usually came home dirty but happy. I tasted dirt, felt the sun on my skin, scratched my face, played around in the farm. Happy days.

As I grew older, I developed a knack for drawing, writing, and reading. I guess you can call me ‘boring’ and ‘nerd’. I can actually stay at the house the whole day as long as I have a book on my hands. I stopped drawing since High School and I didn’t have any chance of practicing it now. I still love to read and write, though, so I created a Blog Page where I can practice writing again, as well as share ideas and thoughts, and to learn from other bloggers.

I’m working regular hours and during my spare time, I find time to write, just about anything I have in mind. I’m still learning the ropes and I appreciate the support I get from my fellow bloggers and of course, the Internet