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Just The Sexiest Man Alive (2008)

by Julie James(Favorite Author)
3.96 of 5 Votes: 4
0425224201 (ISBN13: 9780425224205)
Berkley Sensation
review 1: This is my second-best book of Julie James and is head-to-head with Practice Makes Perfect. Her books are all very alike: two inteligent, beautiful and sassy people bump heads throughout the book until they realize they are in love. The confrontations between the hero and the heroine are, like in the other book, like a foreplay, it is very good. I think I might prefer the other one because this has not only a very hot movie star but the sexiest man alive. A little too much, maybe? The other one was more realistic.I enjoyed it very much indeed.
review 2: This book hit the spot perfectly. Sometimes, after a long stressful week I want to read something that isn't too emotionally taxing and lets me forget all my stresses--this was exactly the right book for that. J
... moreust the Sexiest Man Alive was such a funny and sweet romance. I had a smile on my face through the entire novel. I laughed my ass off at Jason in the beginning. He was such an arrogant, egotistical superstar, completely unused to hearing the word no. Julie James did a great job with the dialogue, because his overinflated ego comes off as cute and endearing instead of smarmy and off putting. Taylor was smart, sexy, and the perfect match for Jason. She kept him on his toes, and I loved the times she walked away from him or slammed a door in his face. She was insecure, but not annoyingly so, and honestly, who wouldn't be insecure with millions of women throwing themselves at the guy they're dating. Even the side characters were fantastic. I loved the friends of both Taylor and Jason, and I really loved when her friends met Jason for the first time. I would definitely recommend this book for anyone who wants something fun and lighthearted. A sweet romance without the gratuitous sex scenes. I will be reading this one again. less
Reviews (see all)
Amazing book!!! Karen White is AWESOME, I really loved every moment of it!!!!!!!
Beau petit roman, rigolo par moment, les personnages sont attachants.
I loved this crazy book! :P Now I want to read all Julie's books!!!
I loved it! I hope there's a sequel!!! Their story can't end there
Cute, very romantic
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