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The Maid Of Fairbourne Hall (2012)

by Julie Klassen(Favorite Author)
4.08 of 5 Votes: 5
0764207091 (ISBN13: 9780764207099)
Bethany House Publishers
review 1: I enjoyed this book. Most of it takes place among servants of a grand estate when an upper class woman goes into hiding and takes a job as a house maid. She has grown up pampered and suddenly has to learn to do all the menial tasks that were once done for her. Her transformation is interesting to watch. She becomes a little less self-centered and more in tune with the lives and needs of others.
review 2: I'm normally a fan of Julie Klassen's work. I loved The Apothecary's Daughter and The Girl in the Gatehouse. The Maid of Fairbourne Hall, however, was just okay. I'm not sure if this is because I have grown as a reader since I read the previous books or if this book just didn't live up to Klassen's usual potential. I wanted to like it more, and I hesitated to
... moregive it a 2-star rating. If possible, my rating would be 2.5 stars. Here's why:First of all, there were just too many "convenient" situations. Characters were always overhearing and seeing things when doors just happened to be left ajar. The romance just seemed forced to me, as though the author changed her mind halfway through writing the book. At first Nathaniel was disgusted with Miss Macy, then all of a sudden he was madly in love with her. The relationship between Helen and Hudson just came out of nowhere, and there wasn't much build up or description of why they were drawn to each other. One day, they just started admiring each another, and readers are just supposed to accept it. Much of the storyline seemed too unrealistic. I hated this, because I really liked the idea of the story. I just felt it could have been better written and character progression better fleshed out. I was expecting more from this book. In the end, I just felt underwhelmed and a bit disappointed. less
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gelijk welk boek van Julie Klassen is TOP! Zin om meer van haar te lezen!
This is probably the best book I've read of Julie Klassen's.
engrossing. Great character development
Read as ebook. Enjoyable
a fun quick read.
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