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The Wolf Fey (2000)

by Kailin Gow(Favorite Author)
3.83 of 5 Votes: 2
The Wolf Fey
review 1: I am such a huge fan of Kailin Gow! Your lyrical prose is beautiful, enchanting and paints the most vivid images of your characters and the world they live in. I fell in love with Logan so much more and getting these minute glimpses of his world leaves me wanting more. The Winter Prince Kian had my heart the day he appeared before Breena, but I always tucked away a chamber of my heart for Logan. And now I know why...I have read that Kailin will be turning this into a series, and I am ecstatic that she is fulfilling her fans' need to read more about the Feyland wolf clans. I truly hope that Logan will find his Lady...this novelette only touches the surface of Logan's heartbreak and pain. There is no greater loss than a love that almost was, and I have a newfound respe... morect and love for the leading male who always loses his lady love to her intended, her betrothed, her soulmate. Yes, I am speaking of the infamous love triangle, and I appreciate Kailin's literary talent even more as she sheds light into the hearts of men who lose their loved ones to the princes, alpha males, and the most popular guy in school.Logan is oh so charming, handsome and sexy! And he is soooooo protective of Breena...and he COOKS for her. Yum yum! I think that one chamber of my heart will flourish into two chambers if Kailin keeps this up. :) Uh-oh...Winter Prince Kian! I absolutely loved this novelette...left me broken hearted and crying for Logan.
review 2: The Wolf Fey Novelette is a joyful yet slightly heartbreaking look into Logan's world in the mortal realm and in Feyland. I was so jazzed when I heard Kailin was making this a series. I've always claimed to be a "Team Kian" girl but right now "Team Logan" is Teeter-tottering pretty evenly with Kian right now and I never thought that would happen. EVER! If you haven't read this gem, I highly suggest you do. You don't have to read the Bitter Frost Series first before you read this, it can be a before or after. For me, reading it after reading the entire released Bitter Frost Series I think I may have looked at The Wolf Fey a bit differently but I always knew that even though a Wolf Fey, Logan was honerable, loyal. extremely handsome and very strong but what I didn't know was his exact background. There's much more insight into Logan's world then I dreamed possible. The Wolf Fey play a much larger role in Feyland and Logan has had his fair share of suffering and heartbreak. There's one beam of sunshine in his life and her name is Breena. Logan would die for Breena and has been in love with her in the mortal world where he spends the majority of his time in school being 'normal' since they were small. He's been her only friend although he could have his choice of any girl in the school he chooses to spend his time with Breena. Logan knows Feyland as well as he knows the mortal world and it's lucky for Breena that her best friend is so knowledgable in the ways of the Fey and in love with her. Whether you've read the Bitter Frost series or not, you'll fall in love with the entire world of Feyland and the magic it holds. I believe if you haven't read The Bitter Frost series, The Wolf Fey Novelette will whet your appetite and have you happily started on the series as soon as you finish reading The Wolf Fey Novelette. Ms. Gows skill in building realistic fantasy worlds and amazing step off the page characters is nothing short of magical. As always, I'm anxiously and happily awaiting the next in not only this new series but many of her other series. less
Reviews (see all)
I liked this better than Bitter Frost. More YA and less tween-ish, this book was hot.
Excellent, can't wait to read the rest. This series has tremendous potential.
This came with my purchase of bitter frost.
Love Logan
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