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Bailando Para Degas (2009)

by Kathryn Wagner(Favorite Author)
3.64 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: Even though this book was completely different than what I was expecting, I loved it! The time period detail was exquisite, and the emotion of Alexandrie's life experiences drew me in. She was naive about so many things, and the shock she experienced upon learning the truth was heart breaking! The secrets, the pressure to provide for her family despite those secrets, and the choice between love or duty...gets me every time!
review 2: I wavered between 2 and 3 stars here. For the majority of the book, it was like reading a high school girl's diary. The main character was often exhausting in her self-pitying and annoying in her self-centeredness, and the unrequited love bit was really hammered at with the same he-loves-me-he-loves-me-not thing over and over again
... more. To be fair, it was realistic in how teenage girls can be, but it was too much for this to continue as the main character grew into her twenties. The book really redeemed itself as the main character finally grew up. The ending was rather satisfying and the setting well described, so I’ll say 2.5, even though my stars will read 2. less
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Set in 19th century France, where dancer is often a cover for escort. Beautifully written.
ISBN: 978-0-385-34386-2 ©20105 volumes/36 chapters/366ppReview to come
One of the most frustrating books and characters I have ever read.
OK for a lighter read, but fairly predictable.
I have never been so bored.
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