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Fantastical (2000)

by Kristen Ashley(Favorite Author)
4.31 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: Kalo setiap org punya sodara kembar di dunia lain, bagaimana dgn yg sdh kembar di dunia ini? Apakah tdk ada sodara kembar di dunia lain atau ttp punya?Cora di Fantasyland itu nyebelin bgt, Cora yg baik bertukar tempat ke Fantasyland & krn ketidaktahuannya memicu kutukan yg menyebabkan adiknya ditawan Minerva. Minerva ini penyihir yg sangat kuat hingga menyamai Tuhan (mungkin dewa kali yah). Minerva ini jahat & menggunakan kekuatannya utk berusaha menguasai Fantasyland.Cora baik berusaha menjelaskan ke Tor (suami Cora jahat) bahwa dia org yg berbeda & dr dunia yg berbeda. Tor jelas ga percaya & menganggap Cora hanya akting saja. Selama 2 bln Cora percaya bahwa Tor akhirnya tau kalo ini Cora yg berbeda, ternyata secara tdk sengaja Cora mendengar Tor berbicara bahwa sebenarny... morea Tor ttp menganggap Cora jahat hanya berakting menjadi org baik. Mendengar itu Cora lari & terjatuh di tangga, ketika Tor menggendong Cora wuissss mereka kembali ke dunia Cora baik.Jadi bagaimana cara Tor & Cora kembali ke Fantasyland? Btw kembaran Tor jg ada & berprofesi sbg polisi & beehubungan dgn Cora jahat. Tor polisi & Tor bertemu & bekerjasama....bingung ga sihhhh....mending baca sendiri yah.Perpisahan memang ga gampang seperti ketika Cora say goodbye dgn ortu, bff/phoebe jg Tor polisi utk kembali ke Fantasyland, krn dipastikan Cora tdk akan bertemu mereka lagi.3,8 stars
review 2: I find it so hard to actually read a good adult novel which also includes a fantasy aspect, because most books are always more about the sex than the story, and its so much about the first that it turns into a stomach turner. I like Kristan Ashley's novels because they are both of an equal measure and they fits so perfectly together. I must say that this is second favourite, next to the first, book of this series. I love how this time you see both characters adapt to each others world and how different it was, but also similar to both of the other novels it was. I really liked Cora. I thought both of hers were interesting. I liked how this book started like the beginning of a Disney movie, and how adorable it was when she first re-met? re-met Tor. I liked her doppelganger being a complete bitch, it added so much to the story. They both weren't annoying, and where practical at times. I think this is what I liked most about Kristan Ashley's novels.Tor ... I really liked Tor. He is my favourite prince out of all of them. He too can act like a dick at times, but he can also be the perfect boyfriend and it made you fall in love with his character. He has been through hell an back with Cora, and its just so amazing to see how their relationship grows in this novel. I would totally, like the other books, recommend you to at least try reading one of these books. They are amazing, and each story brings something new and magical that would make you want to wish that this world really existed... Just try it. less
Reviews (see all)
Love this series I wanna live in this world. Can't wait until book 5!!
Not as good as other Fantasyland books but a must read!
Nice read....Tor was absolutely delicious!!!
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