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Good Oil (2010)

by Laura Buzo(Favorite Author)
3.52 of 5 Votes: 4
1741759978 (ISBN13: 9781741759976)
Allen & Unwin
review 1: I honestly cannot explain the feels. Yes, the feels! The feels came in truck loads towards the end of the book. (You will have to read to see why!) Definitely a must read if you are into love stories. This one is not your typical fairy tale story, but embraces the harsh and sometimes even dark reality. Also, the book tackles on topics such as feminism, which makes you think about the type of world we live in. Some of the questions I pondered on while reading were not ones I expected to think about when reading a YA book. Even though the book is labeled as YA, the characters present a mature manner and the way the story unfolds is very realistic and raw. The characters are also flawed in ways that are presented in classic novels. The resemblance that the boo brings up is qu... moreite fascinating and interesting. Must read and would definitely recommend!
review 2: Amelia is an introverted high school girl who starts a part time job at the local grocery store. Upon hire she strikes up a friendship with an older college-age coworker named Chris. Off the bat you can tell Amelia has some depth to her and thinks about socially important things. It doesn't take Amelia long to be totally crushed out on this guy. The story telling vehicle from both girl and guy pov's was good, including a guy who's voice is through his journals! Two things about the book fell flat: (1) the main male character is not likable nor distinctive (immature, self-absorbed, boozing, recreational drug-using, looking to get his sexual appetites satisfied). (2) Ending is abrupt. I wanted Amelia to realize she is smart, interesting, and can do a million times better and to "Move On"! less
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But there was a quote I like in it :)
Ugh, the amount of no.
Really sweet!!
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