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The Emperor's Three Questions (1901)

by Leo Tolstoy(Favorite Author)
3.88 of 5 Votes: 2
Hayes Barton Press
review 1: "The Emperor's Three Questions" (or just "Three Questions") could be, dare I say it, the most uplifting piece of writing I've ever read by a Russian — and that's even with an attack, a stabbing and a long-past execution. A king goes on a journey, in this story, to have some of his greatest questions answered for him. The men he encounters along the way unwittingly provide his answers to him, and a wise hermit teaches him a lesson about how to live his life. It's a bit of a hokey, cliched answer to the king's problems, but it's a good lesson. I was a bit surprised the story ended as it did, with no more violence, and an actual, clear ending. Quite different from the other Tolstoy I've read.
review 2: This is an attempt to answer three philosophic questions - W
... morehat is the best time to do each thing? Whoare the most important people to work with? What is the most important thing to do at all times? - In the end he answers the questions with the meaning of his story. There is no better time to help people other than now. There is no one as important as the needy before us at each critical moment. Love your neighbor as yourself. less
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"There is only on time that is Important _Now!"I love the story
A good short story with a good message as well.
I hope to read this to my children someday
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