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The Center Of Everything (2013)

by Linda Urban(Favorite Author)
3.75 of 5 Votes: 4
0547763484 (ISBN13: 9780547763484)
HMH Books for Young Readers
review 1: This one was just okay for me. Definitely a quick read and I enjoyed the voice and the bits of symbolism throughout. But I would have liked to see more backstory and less focus on the day of the parade. The most interesting part was the relationship with the grandmother and the science fiction elements but both were kind of glossed over and never fully brought together. And while donuts are yummy, especially this time of year, that storyline was a little distracting. Also, I wasn't sure what the point was of including chapters from different points of view of very minor characters. The chapters in second person were kind of fun though and added interest. I did enjoy the budding friend of Ruby with Nero and would have liked to see more with that. This was my first i... morentroduction to Linda Urban and I'm thinking maybe I should have started with A Crooked Kind of Perfect instead.
review 2: I waited too long to write about this one and have forgotten a lot of it. But it is a short realistic fiction WAW possibility. I know I liked it and it was about Ruby who missed her grandmother Gigi who had just died and was the center of everything to Ruby. Right before she died, she was shouting "Listen -- everything is coming together." and Ruby feels she didn't listen and pay attention and should have listened and helped Gigi. In the end Ruby seems to have figured out and accepted Gigi's death, but I'm not sure how this acceptance came about. Still, I think this will be a yes vote for me. less
Reviews (see all)
Lovely. A simply told story with depth. I paused, took a deep breath and listened.
Sweet middle grade novel. Nero DeNiro is one of the best character names ever!!
A very sweet story well told. Great for a child who has lost a grandparent.
"Listen... Maybe there is no supposed to be." Perfect. Just perfect.
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