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Cook Food: A Manualfesto For Easy, Healthy, Local Eating (2009)

by Lisa Jervis(Favorite Author)
3.96 of 5 Votes: 2
1604860731 (ISBN13: 9781604860733)
PM Press
review 1: I was sort of put off by this book. I think it could be a really great resource for new cooks. It covers a lot of basic techniques clearly and concisely, is very approachable, and contains some valuable advice. That all said, I found the narrative voice to be irritating. Did I need to know that the author doesn't like dill and thinks pre-ground black pepper tastes like dirt? I understand that she's trying to keep things conversational, but I found comments like those very off putting. I also felt that despite her frequent acknowledgements that she lived in a pretty special and fortunate food environment, her suggestions didn't always reflect that difference.All in all, this could be a good resource for those just starting their kitchen adventures. It covers a few things we... morell. Not my favorite cooking resource, but definitely usable.
review 2: I was lucky enough to be a test taster/test reader for this book, and all I can say is "DIY scrumptious."Lisa's recipes are waaay easy to follow, leave room for a little creativity, and don't require a bunch of esoteric ingredients. More importantly, the end result is crunchy-salty-savory goodness.This is in stark contrast to those monk monastery cookbooks out there that equate health with cold watery tofu. Or the equally annoying "add a teaspoon of low-fat bottled dressing, mix with plain nonfat yogurt" cookbooks that may as well be titled Weight Loss and Heart Disease Recovery for the Stereotypical American. But I digress.This book works equally well for those who don't know how to cook, those who only know how to cook stuff they would no longer be caught dead eating, and those who cook all the time but want some new, interesting, and fast recipes.As well as those who just can't resist anything called a manualfesto. less
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Of course I give it 5 stars, I wrote it...
Wonderful book - eating well and with joy!
really great!
loved it
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