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Sentado A Los Pies Del Maestro Jesus: El Trasfondo Judio De Jesus Y Su Impacto En La Fe Cristiana (2010)

by Lois Tverberg(Favorite Author)
4.45 of 5 Votes: 5
0829782346 (ISBN13: 9780829782349)
Vida Publishers
review 1: There is a lot of fascinating information in this book; it made me want to learn more about Jewish culture and the Old Testament. It is too easy to put Jesus into a 21 Century context and lose out what is being said. However, it is difficult to avoid this without a good understanding of the culture in which he lived. This is a book with so much information that it could bear multiple readings. Tverberg does a great job of emphasizing the richness of the Jewish religious texts and I feel guilty of my superficial attempts at learning from the Old Testament. I previously have found it difficult to understand and often repellent but never took the time to look further. It is a mix of laziness and arrogance that it should be so easy to glean the wealth of scriptures throu... moregh such a casual reading, one that is probably a result of the culture in which I live. Tverberg's book provides a valuable first step in correcting this.
review 2: Although I don't completely share the same theological viewpoints of this author, I really enjoyed this book. She provides the Jewish context for a number of Jesus's sayings, including the figures of speech, ongoing Jewish conversations, and references to other texts that the Jewish audience hearing his words at the time would have known. By placing these comments back in their original context, the meaning is both enriched and clarified. I found several chapters very thought-provoking and will be revisiting them as I continue to ponder. less
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Love this author and all her insights into the culture that shapes the teachings of Jesus.
I loved this book. It gave so much new insight to me,.
My type of approach to Jesus
Eye opening!
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