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The Original 1982 (2013)

by Lori Carson(Favorite Author)
3.32 of 5 Votes: 1
0062245295 (ISBN13: 9780062245298)
William Morrow Paperbacks
review 1: The Original 1982 by Lori Carson shows how one decision can largely impact the outcome of one woman's life. It does this by switching back and forth between the two possible realities. One in which the woman keeps an unplanned pregnancy, and another in which she aborts the baby. I suppose this book did not really speak to me because it makes clear that only one path actually happened and that the woman is "making up" the other path. However, in my mind, both of the two paths are so well developed, and both made so many assumptions, that how could the woman have really known or believed what she imagines would have really happened? Regardless, as the rating states, this was not my cup of tea, but other people may enjoy this read.
review 2: I come away from this
... morebook with a distinct feeling of "Meh". I enjoyed the first two thirds of the story, especially bouncing back and forth between the original 1982 and the alternate version. I loved Minnow and how her personality blossomed. But the last section was a let down. Granted, it tells the final story, but I didn't find it terribly interesting. Possibly it's because I'm still too young to connect to the character at that age. I also was expecting more cultural references from the 80s and 90s. That's the stuff I most enjoyed. less
Reviews (see all)
A really enjoyable 1st novel about getting a second chance at a life-altering decision
Easy read with likable characters. Perfect for anyone that's wants a touching story.
Nice look at the what-ifs everyone gets from time to time.
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