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Rizzo's War (2009)

by Lou Manfredo(Favorite Author)
3.53 of 5 Votes: 2
0312538057 (ISBN13: 9780312538057)
Minotaur Books
Joe Rizzo
review 1: Joe Rizzo is a Brooklyn police detective with a lot of miles and a lot of experience in the complicated political world of New York City. As he edges closer to retirement he’s managed to keep his nose clean and still have a rep as good cop. It hasn’t been easy. He tries to explain to his ambitious young partner how it works but that’s not easy either. Rizzo’s philosophy is that there’s no right or wrong, there just is. There’s legal and there’s illegal but even those rules keep changing so a good cop has to be flexible and stay on his game. As Joe exposes his partner Mike to a painstaking education as a new police detective, Mike finds that those decisions are not always easy to make. When they’re assigned to find the missing daughter of a local poli... moretician they suddenly find the decision making becomes very complex for both of them.
review 2: Character of a veteran Italian NY street cop is quite good. Dialect is racy and sarcastic and what you would expect for that character. Main plot is supported by minor plots and interesting sub plots along with good supporting characters. I had read this before I started logging on to Goodreads so I thought since a new Rizzo book just was released, I would review this one. Definitely worth reading less
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I wanted to like this book but really couldn't get through it past page 70.
Brooklyn, specifically Bensonhurst, where I lived in the early 70's.
realistic and clever depiction of Brookyln cops lives and cases
A first read winner!! I guess it's being mailed to me :)
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