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Legend – Schwelender Sturm (2013)

by Marie Lu(Favorite Author)
4.31 of 5 Votes: 1
3785573952 (ISBN13: 9783785573952)
Loewe Verlag
review 1: June and Day have escaped from the Republic and are on the run to Vegas. But right when they arrive the unexpected happens. The Republic's Elector dies and his son takes his place. Day and June don't know what to do. The Republic may collapse entirely if they don't do something to fix it. Their solution is to join a group of rebels, named the Patriots, for safety and help. To join, Day and June have one task; assassinate the new Elector. Everyone in the Patriots think it's a great plan, a way for the Patriots to take over the Republic, then the entire United States. But when June finds out that the new Elector is nothing like his deceased father, will she try to spare him? Or will she be the one to kill him? The Republic is going into a frenzy and Day and June may be the o... morenly ones to contain them. Prodigy is amazing sequel to Legend. It is breathtaking and heartbreaking. It has non stop action and always seems to have a twist.
review 2: MUCH better than Legend. Still somewhat predictable, but it had some surprises, so that made me happy. The beginning of the book was fantastic. I don't know why, but I don't really buy into June and Day's relationship. I'd much rather see June with Anden. I'm pretty sure the author sets it up so that the audience is rooting for Day...but he and June haven't really had anything to talk about except political disasters. less
Reviews (see all)
I am enjoying this series by Marie Lu! Can't wait to pick up the third book in the series!
Such an amazing book, can't wait to read the next one. The ending was so tragic though =(
No, no, no, no, no, no. ¿Por qué?
the ending, tho...
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