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Traders, Hippies Et Hamsters (2013)

by Marina Lewycka(Favorite Author)
3.32 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: Fairly amusing read from Marina, as expected from the author of The Short History of Tractors in Ukraine and Two caravans. Having no knowledge of life in Left-wing communes in UK in the 80s and 90s, I am unable to comment on its portrayal in this novel, but it does sound somewhat cliched (as truth often is). The same goes for the on goings of investment banking (and bankers), other than what was depicted in the recent film- Wolves of Wall Street. However, the refreshing view on Down's Syndrome, children being influenced by overhearing grown up's conversations and thoughts of sexagenarians were most welcome.The style of the book is breezy, flows well and taught me a new word or two. It also made me laugh out loud a lot, so read this in public at your own ... morerisk!
review 2: I guess one should not dislike a book because of the impossible to like characters but this is what happened to me with this book. The plot was interesting but the part about Serge and all the financial terms just made it really hard for me to follow. Not to mention that the book is not at all as funny as the reviews make it out to be. Ironic, yes, maybe a little bit too much. But not funny at all. All in all this was an ok read but one that I will forget very soon and will not pick up again for any reason. less
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A very enjoyable read. Deals with serious economic and emotional issues with a light touch.
loved this book. I enjoyed the setting and it made me laugh and cry. a great read
Very easy likeable read.
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